UCalgary at the Global Energy Show

World Petroleum Congress 2023

September 18 - 21 at BMO Centre, Stampede Park 

Visit UCalgary at WPC 2023

Join UCalgary at the 2023 World Petroleum Congress September 18 - 21, where we will showcase our world-class energy research and innovative programs. Visit us at booth #3329 in Hall C at the BMO Centre, Stampede Park.

WPC Expo Show Hours: 

  • Monday, September 18: 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

  • Tuesday, September 19: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

  • Wednesday, September 20: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, September 21: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Are you a student? Take advantage of the student discount!

With a student pass, you can access:

  • Technical Sessions & Forums & Digital Poster Plaza

  • Exhibition

  • Clean Tech Expo 

Explore UCalgary WPC Events

Connect with these teams at the 2023 UCalgary WPC Booth

The Canadian Institute of Resources Law is a leading national centre of expertise on legal and policy issues relating to Canada's natural resources. Since its establishment in 1979, the Institute has pursued a three-fold mandate of research, education and publication. The Institute initiates projects and responds to requests from the public and private sectors and from non-governmental organizations.

More than 300 UCalgary scholars from a wide range of disciplines — engineering, biological sciences, chemistry, geoscience, geology, health sciences, public policy, social sciences — are conducting research to transform the energy landscape, for a cleaner, more efficient energy future. Our scholars are balancing far-out and long-term research impacts with immediate and tangible deliverables, including solutions and technologies ready for field-scale applications. 

Innovate Calgary is the innovation company of the University of Calgary. From ideation to commercialization, we offer the resources, facilities, and expert guidance you need to bring your innovation to Calgary, Alberta, and beyond.

PoMELO is a methane emissions management system developed at the University of Calgary for the upstream oil and gas sector.

UCalgary International is an award-winning team that aspires to team collaboration, excellence, global competitiveness, and meaningful connections with local and global communities.

With a wealth of expertise and cutting-edge facilities spanning Energy, Health, Data Sciences, Social Sciences and more, the University of Calgary is poised to accelerate your company’s innovation pipeline. The Industry Engagement team in the Office of the Vice-President (Research) will help you navigate the many collaborative opportunities that we offer companies. Often, companies, research professors and graduate students collaborate via an extended benchtop model where the UCalgary team serves as your R&D provider, conducting research and optimization studies on a project-by-project basis.

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Discover our Energy Stories

Dr. Roman Shor has been been named the Energi Simulation Industrial Research Chair in Geothermal Systems.

Energi Simulation Centre for Geothermal Systems Research

Geothermal energy is a source of clean, reliable and renewable power that can also provide heat for homes and businesses. The Energi Simulation Centre for Geothermal Systems Research is seen as an opportunity during global energy transition.

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Samira Siahrostami wins 2023 Tom Ziegler Award from Canadian Society for Chemistry

Researcher honoured for contributions to climate science

Samira Siahrostami's contributions to research into finding sustainable solutions for energy conversion, chemical production and reducing greenhouse gas emissions have been recognized by the Canadian Society for Chemistry, which has named her the recipient of its 2023 Tom Ziegler Award. 

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Illustrated depiction of plants

National research group focused on carbon dioxide removal

A transdisciplinary research team at UCalgary has joined forces with researchers at the University of Alberta, the University of Toronto, Simon Fraser University, and the Pembina Institute to launch a large-scale research project aimed at assessing the potential for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies and to identify policy options that could enable sustainable, equitable, and rapid deployment of CDR in appropriate contexts.

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Researchers study how Earth’s smallest molecule could play a big role in our energy future

Three UCalgary research projects have received funding from Alberta Innovates Hydrogen Centre of Excellence to advance innovations in the hydrogen energy domain. The projects will help researchers understand and de-risk the creation of a clean hydrogen economy in Alberta.

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